ISSN 2084–1418
Wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa

2011, Nr 1-2 (1), Preliminarium

Paweł Bohuszewicz
Kulturowa historia literatury staropolskiej: studium przypadku

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Słowa kluczowe: cultural history of literature; „middle-class literature”, laughter, comicality, Actor-Network Theory (ANT), anti-hermeneutics.

The article presents an analysis of the most interesting case of practising cultural history of past literature in Poland, which is the book by Witold Wojtowicz Między literaturą a kulturą. Studia o „literaturze mieszczańskiej” przełomy XVI i XVII wieku (Szczecin 2010). The text has been divided into four chapters: the first one contains the analysis of Wojtowicz’s book carried out by means of the tools for analysis of an academic text devised by Author-Network Theory (ANT). The second chapter presents the case mentioned in the title in the context negative for it, which is hermeneutics and its postulate of “fusion of horizons”. Finally, in the third and fourth chapter, there is an analysis of how the author perceives the terms which are the most important for him and his book, as well as cultural history of literature as a whole, which are culture and literature.

Informacje o autorze:
BOHUSZEWICZ PAWEŁ – literaturoznawca, adiunkt w Instytucie Literatury Polskiej Wydziału Filologicznego Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. E-mail: bohuszewicz[at]

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