ISSN 2084–1418
Wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja papierowa

2011, Nr 1-2 (1), Preliminarium

Krzysztof Piątkowski
Antropologia i historia

Pobierz wersję elektroniczną
Słowa kluczowe: anthropology, history, hermeneutics of the culture, historical narration, historical fact; cultural text.

This article is the trial of examination of relations between history and anthropology, captured from the anthropological perspective. It defines the conditions of the development of historical anthropology in Poland, referring them to the philosophical and methodological background. Therefore, it shows also a way in which historical examinations arrive to an anthropological reflection. Every historical document is a subject of an interpretation, is not "neutral", the researcher makes always an interpretation of some interpretation. In this area historical anthropology proposed the new language (hermeneutics), criticism and the regard of cultural practice.

Informacje o autorze:
PIĄTKOWSKI KRZYSZTOF – antropolog kultury, adiunkt w Katedrze Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, a także wykładowca w Wyższej Szkole Sztuki i Projektowania w Łodzi. E-mail: kpiatkowski[at]

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