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No. (14), Ethnoarchaeology
No. Nr (13), Oral History - Emotions
No. (12), Public History
No. (11), Cultural History of Knowledge
No. (10), Anthropology – Folklore – History
No. (9), Cultural Heritage
No. (8), Anthropology and History
No. 1 (6), Semiotics of History
No. 2 (7), History and Gender
No. 1 (4), On Representation
No. 2 (5), Genealogies of Culture
No. 2 (3), Readings of the Past
No. 1 (2), Anthropology / history of the Contemporary World
No. 1-2 (1), Preliminaries
ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2013, No. 2 (5), Genealogies of Culture
Andrzej P. Kowalski,
René Girard and Anthropological Genealogies of Culture
Studies and Dissertations
René Girard,
Things hidden since the foundation of the world
Anna Urbańska-Szymoszyn,
Mimesis and Violence at the Basis of Girard’s Theory of How Cultural and Social Phenomena Are Shaped
Henryk Mamzer,
René Girard’s Mimetic Rivalry: Oxymoron or Hybrid Attitude
Andrzej P. Kowalski,
The Origins of Art in the Light of René Girard’s Anthropology
Józef Niewiadomski,
“Allmächtiges Wort vom Himmel”. Religion und Gewalt im Kontext der Theorie von René Girard
Adam Romejko,
The Mimetic Stranger in Biblical Accounts of the Denial of Saint Peter
Ian Hodder,
Religion in the Emergence of Civilisation: Çatalhöyük as a Case Study
Arkadiusz Marciniak,
Bulls, Feasts and the Scapegoat: René Girard in Çatalhöyük
Hans Medick,
Quo Vadis, Historical Anthropology? Historiography Between Historical Cultural Studies and Micro-History
Wolfgang Sofsky,
Systematic Anthropology and Historical Anthropology: Remarks on the Margins of Hans Medick’s “Quo Vadis, Historical Anthropology?”
Rafał Rutkowski,
The Opposition of Farming Activities and Combativeness in the Descriptions of Ancient Germanic People by Caesar and Tacitus
Wojtek Jezierski,
Closed Ward? Sociology Versus Anthropology in Studies on Monastic Life
Konrad Bielecki,
The Reception of Exotic Creatures and Their Images in Early Modern Europe: The Case of the Indian Rhinoceros
Marta Kargól,
Staphorst on the Catwalk: The Inspiration of Traditional Dutch Costumes in Contemporary Fashion as a Form of Experiencing Local Tradition
Daniel Logemann,
Playing Chess in Concentration Camps - An Immaterial and Material Practice of Stabilization
J. Kowalewski,
Topographies of Memory (D. Czaja, Somewhere Further, Somewhere Else)
Adam Romejko,
James G. Williams, Girardians. The Colloquium on Violence and Religion, 1990-2010, Wien-Zürich-Berlin-Münster 2012
Arkadiusz Bednarczuk,
Anthropology of Greek Antiquity: Problems and Selection of Texts, ed. W. Lengauer, P. Majewski, L. Trzcionkowski
Maciej Sawicki,
J. G. Droysen, Zarys historyki [Outlines of the Principles of History], transl. M. Bonecki, J. Duraj
Izabela Skórzyńska,
Photo-History: Photography in Historical Education, ed. V. Julkowska
Barbara Klich-Kluczewska,
S. Fitzpatrick, Życie codzienne pod rządami Stalina [Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s ]
Małgorzata Dubasiewicz,
René Girard. Scapegoating at Çatalhöyük - notes
Marian Kwapiński,
The Eidolon Project: A Genealogy of symbol