ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2013, No. 2 (5), Genealogies of Culture
Wolfgang Sofsky
Systematic Anthropology and Historical Anthropology: Remarks on the Margins of Hans Medick’s “Quo Vadis, Historical Anthropology?”
PDF version
Keywords: systematic anthropology, historical anthropology
Abstract: Reprint: W. Sofsky, Systematische und historische Anthropoligie. Adnoten zu Hans Medicks: „Quo vadis Historische Anthropolgie?”, „Historische Anthropologie. Kultur. Gesellschaft. Alltag“, 2001, t. 9, z. 3, s. 457 – 461.
About Author:
SOFSKY WOLFGANG – sociologist, journalist, and essayist; former professor at the University of Göttingen; a private scholar since 2001.