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No. (14), Ethnoarchaeology
No. Nr (13), Oral History - Emotions
No. (12), Public History
No. (11), Cultural History of Knowledge
No. (10), Anthropology – Folklore – History
No. (9), Cultural Heritage
No. (8), Anthropology and History
No. 1 (6), Semiotics of History
No. 2 (7), History and Gender
No. 1 (4), On Representation
No. 2 (5), Genealogies of Culture
No. 2 (3), Readings of the Past
No. 1 (2), Anthropology / history of the Contemporary World
No. 1-2 (1), Preliminaries
ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2014, No. 1 (6), Semiotics of History
Marcin Brocki, Jacek Kowalewski,
Semiotics of History
Studies and Dissertations
Bogusław Żyłko,
Semiotics of history in the works of the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School
Karolina Polasik-Wrzosek,
Alexander Piatigorsky’s reflections on the evolution of the TartuMoscow School using elementary phenomenology
Marcin Brocki,
The historical process at the ‘bifurcation point’: Yuri Lotman’s theory of cultural change
Ilia Kalinin,
The semiotic model of a historical process: History – between grammar and rhetoric
Zbigniew Libera,
Semiotics of medicine in the early modern times and the ethnosemiotics in the 19th and 20th century ethnomedicine
Maciej Czerwiński,
Narration and encyclopaedia: the Croatian and Serbian historical imagination
Andreas Ventsel,
Hegemony as a visual rhetorical signification in Soviet Estonia photojournalism
Piotr Stefanowicz,
Old Ruthenian concept of ‘honour/dignity’ in literary monuments in Ruthenia (before the Mongol invasion)
Andrzej P. Kowalski,
Germanic taboo: the presence of jewellery and the absence of weapons in Gothic burials
Alain Boureau,
A proposal to specify the history of mentality
Christer Winberg,
Some remarks on the historical anthropology
Reprints and Archives
Yuri Lotman,
God’s will or a game of chance (regularity and coincidence in the historical process)
Boris Uspensky,
Historia sub specie semioticae
Yuri Lotman,
Memory of culture
Józef Burszta,
Historical aspect of ethnological studies
Debates and Polemics
Michał Rydlewski,
Homeric ekphrasis in the context of the cultural aspect of visual perception
Henryk Mamzer,
Anthropology of prehistory as a criticism of archaeology (A.P. Kowalski, Anthropology of ancient meanings)
Andrzej Z. Bokiniec, Jacek Kowalewski,
(Un)Holy Ruthenia, (A. Besançon, Sainte Russie)
Rafał Rutkowski,
P. Węcowski, Origins of Poland in the historical memory of the late Middle Ages
Jacek Kowalewski,
History in anthropology, anthropology in history. Symmetries of looking at the past’
Ewa Klekot,
Anthropological studies on legacy, 1st Congress of Anthropology
Katarzyna Majbroda, Michał Mokrzan,
Session of the Methodology Division of the Polish Ethnological Society