ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2014, No. 1 (6), Semiotics of History
Marcin Brocki, Jacek Kowalewski
Semiotics of History
PDF version
Keywords: semiotics of culture, Moscow-Tartska school of semiotics, history and semiotics
Abstract: The editorial raises the problem of the value of the theory of semiotics culture for historical research. It points to the usefulness for historiography of the dynamic variant of the cultural model created by the Moscow-Tartu school of semiotics in the late 1980s. The volume is devoted to the memory of Professor Czesław Robotycki.
About Author:
JACEK KOWALEWSKI - history methodologist, anthropologist of history, assistant professor at the Institute of History and International Relations at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. BROCKI MARCIN - ethnologist, cultural anthropologist, director of the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
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