Anthropology of History Yearbook should create a permanent space for the development of cooperation between historiography and cultural anthropology and their relevant methodologies in terms of multi-level research into the past and the functioning of its images in human cultures. The pages of our Yearbook are open to representatives of other humanistic disciplines, in particular literature studies, religious studies, philosophy and sociology, which conduct research into the past and its representations in a cultural key.
In world science the combinations of history and cultural anthropology were given various names, depending on the established local classification traditions, which is why we now talk about cultural history, anthropological history, microhistory, historical anthropology, historical ethnography, ethnohistory etc. Anthropology of History Yearbook would like to embrace all these traditions, while searching for its own, original research identity. This should be achieved by means of a double subject matter of the publication, oriented towards promoting the interpretational practice of researchers of the past on the one hand, and meta reflection and detailed studies on the place and role of history and broadly understood knowledge of the past in contemporary culture on the other hand.