ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version

2011, No. 1-2 (1), Preliminaries


Jacek Kowalewski, Wojciech Piasek, Anthropology of history

Studies and Dissertations

Krzysztof Piątkowski, History and Anthropology
Ewa Klekot, Prolegomena to Ethnography of “Monuments of History and National Culture”. Heritage as a Mode of Modern Historicity
Paweł Bohuszewicz, Cultural History of Old Polish Literature: a Case Study
Tomasz Mojsik, Muses and Gender of Metapoetics Discourse
Bogdan Burliga, Homo Venans. The Religious Dimension of Hunting in Ancient Greece According to Arrian from Nicomedia
Piotr Pranke, The First Piasts in the Aristocratic Circles of the Empire
Tomasz Wiślicz, Supernatural Interventions in the History of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth: The Cases of the Heavenly Mother of Sokal and the Heavenly Mother of Tynna
Stanisław Witecki, “As a mangy sheep infecting others shall be exiled”. Adultery in EighteenthCentury Lesser Poland Village – the Cultural Interpretation
Justyna Beinek, Cultural Texts: Polish and Russian Albums in the Age of Romanticism
Monika Widzicka, “Travolterzy naszych czasów”. Criticism of Disco Against a Backdrop of Reflections on Popular Culture in Poland in the 1970th

Reprints and Archives

Wojciech Wrzosek, Vicissitudes of a Historical Source (Reflections on the Margins of R.G. Collingwood’s Idea)
Czesław Robotycki, History, Tradition, Anthropology: Reegzamined Theses
Ludwik Stomma, Change and Persistence

Debates and Polemics

Janusz Barański, Grzegorz Godlewski, Jaromir Jeszke, Edmund Kizik, Monika Milewska, Krzysztof Moraczewski, Włodzimierz Pessel, Andrzej Radomski, Paweł Rodak, Anthropology of History/Historical Anthropology in Poland. Concept – Heritage – Perspectives


Czesław Robotycki, Symbolisation of the Past, (M. KurkowskaBudzan, Antykomunistyczne podziemie zbrojne na Białostocczyźnie. Analiza współczesnej symbolizacji przeszłości)
Jacek Kowalewski, Between Diversity and Universalism, (J. Tanner, Historische Anthropologie zur Einführung)
Rafał Rutkowski, How to Examine the History of the Berserkers?, (Ł. Malinowski Berserkir i úlfhe.nar w historii, mitach i legendach)
Bogdan Rok, P. Kowalski, Świat Andrzeja Komonieckiego, kronikarza Żywca. Studia z antropologii historycznej
Marcin Brocki, R. Wolf, Europe and Peoples without History
Piotr Pranke, J.G. Carrier (ed.), A Handbook of Economic Antropology


Rafał Kleśta-Nawrocki, The Humanities and Domination: Grassroot Social Experiences in the Context of Outside Interpretations
Adam Szafrański, What after Geertz? Heritage – Interpretations – Dilemmas
Aleksandra Kleśta-Nawrocka, Jarosław Dumanowski, Taste and History. Methodology, Sources, Perspectives