ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2013, No. 2 (5), Genealogies of Culture
Rafał Rutkowski
The Opposition of Farming Activities and Combativeness in the Descriptions of Ancient Germanic People by Caesar and Tacitus
PDF version
Keywords: Germanic people, Caesar, Tacitus, combativeness, farming activities, team
Abstract: The paper presents a comparative interpretation of two successive, slightly different, ancient descriptions of the Germanic society written by Caesar and Tacitus. Special attention is paid to how the two writers oppose the combativeness of the Germanic people and their soil cultivation.
About Author:
RUTKOWSKI RAFAŁ – historian, medievalist, graduate of the University of Warsaw, PhD student in the Department of Medieval Studies in the Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw branch.