ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version

2013, No. 2 (5), Genealogies of Culture

Hans Medick
Quo Vadis, Historical Anthropology? Historiography Between Historical Cultural Studies and Micro-History

PDF version
Keywords: historiography, cultural historical studies, microhistory, identity of historical anthropology

Reprint: H. Medic, Quo vadis Historische Anthropologie? Geschichtsforschung zwischen Historischer Kulturwissenschaft und Mikro¬Historie, „Historische Anthropologie. Kultur. Gesellschaft. Alltag”, 2001, t. 9, z. 1, s. 78 – 92.

About Author:
MEDICK HANS – historian, retired Professor of Modern History and Historical Anthropology at the University of Erfurt, member of the research group on “Self Narratives in Transcultural Perspective” at the Freie Universität in Berlin.
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