ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2021, No. (14), Ethnoarchaeology
Andrzej Z. Bokiniec
Hidden factor. An ethno-archaeological essay
Keywords: Neolithic, Bronze Age, polymorphic cultures, homeostatic mechanisms, mimetic mechanisms, meiotic cultures, corionotic cultures
Abstract: Reprint of Andrzej Z. Bokińca's 1998 text. Original publication: A. Z. Bokiniec, Ukryty czynnik. Esej etno-archeologiczny, w: Szkice prahistoryczne. Źródła – metody – interpretacje, red. S. Kukawka, Toruń 1998, 65-85.
In the break of the Neolithic and the Bronze Ages many small groups representing special type of culture appeared in Central Europe. Apart from the features of highly developed culture of the Bronze Age (Untice culture) they presented archaic elements typical for societies of Neolithic decadence (the Bell Beakers culture, the Single Graves culture). These groups are regarded as intermediaries in arranging far-distance exchange - mainly metal objects. The syncretic character of their culture, as well as visible easiness in change of stylistic tradition in ceramics create problems in uniformed naming and defining them. One of these groups (Iwno culture) played probably a crucial role in the process of neolithisation of forest area societies from the eastern part of the Vistula and the Prypeć Rivers basin (Trzciniec culture). The paper presents the thesis that the mentioned groups represented a polymorphous type of culture. To justify the thesis ethno-historical data were used. In each culture there are, except homeostatic mechanisms, mimetic tendencies (referred to René Girard’s theory). The tendency to preserve the status quo coexisted with the desire to possess the objects belonging to the others - the strangers. The polymorphous cultures were characterised by the predominance of mimetic mechanisms and motivations over the homeostatic ones. It was especially observed in the particular attitude to space, which was regarded as an object of recognition and in the openness to cultural contact. Because of the forms they took these mimetic mechanisms in polymorphous cultures were divided into types: meitotic and corionotic cultures. The institution of far-distance exchange played the particular role in these first cultures. As the model ones cultures of Huron and Ottawa from Ontario were presented. The chain of similarities in cultural situation of those peoples with the Neolithic societies and the beginning of the Bronze Age of the Baltic Basin can be inspiring for prehistorians in creating models of other phenomena (settlements, economy). The meitotic culture rules were fully visible in (sub-?)culture of Pochteca in Mexico. The military aspect is much stronger in corionotic cultures. The essential part in their identity manifestation is played by the forms connected with law, authority and military organisation of the society. The contact is fulfilled in the situation of domination and within the frames of quasi-state political organisms. As the model cultures the ones shaped under the authority of Goths, Nguni or Avares are regarded. The Norman axiologic system expresses the sublimed ideology of this type of culture. The polymorphous cultures do not create interpretation comfort for the archaeologists, however, because they are the hidden factor of culture changes - can not be ignored.
About Author:
ANDRZEJ Z. BOKINIEC (1961-2021) – archaeologist, ethnoarchaeologist, was an assistant professor at the Institute of Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
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