ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2012, No. 1 (2), Anthropology / history of the Contemporary World
Michał Mokrzan
What Is It That We Call the Humanities After the Ethical and Political Turn (The Humanities and Domination. Grassroots Social Experience from the Viewpoint of External Examination, ed. T. Rakowski, A. Malewska-Szałygin)
PDF version
Keywords: humanities, grass-roots experience, hegemony, resistance in culture
Abstract: Review of the book "Humanistyka i dominacja. Oddolne doświadczenia społeczne w perspektywie zewnętrznych rozpoznań", red. T. Rakowski, A. Malewska-Szałygin, Warszawa 2011, ss. 321.
About Author:
MICHAŁ MOKRZAN - ethnologist, adiunkt at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Wrocław.