ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2021, No. (14), Ethnoarchaeology
Andrzej Z. Bokiniec
Descendants of Cain. Studies on the origins of bronze metallurgy and the institution of wandering blacksmiths (Excerpts from an unfinished book)
Keywords: bronze metallurgy, wandering blacksmiths, archaeological theories of metallurgy, centers of bronze metallurgy, secret associations of metallurgists, blacksmith mythology, Indo-European tradition, social roles of blacksmith-metallurgists, cultural circles,
Abstract: This text is based on the unfinished book of Andrzej Z. Bokiniec titled "Descendants of Cain. Studies on the origins of bronze metallurgy and the institution of wandering blacksmiths" The article presents excerpts from an extensive manuscript, totaling around 150 pages, dedicated to specific issues related to the origins of bronze metallurgy in vast regions of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Discussed topics include the civilizational role of bronze discovery, the phenomenon of wandering blacksmith-metallurgists, archaeological theories concerning ancient metallurgy, initial centers of bronze metallurgy, secret associations of metallurgists, mythological depictions of blacksmith-craftsmen and divine blacksmiths, figures of the blacksmith in Indo-European tradition, social roles of blacksmith-metallurgists, cultural circles, and exchange systems in Europe during the 3rd millennium BCE.
About Author:
ANDRZEJ Z. BOKINIEC (1961-2021) – archaeologist, ethnoarchaeologist, was an assistant professor at the Institute of Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
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