ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version

2019, No. (12), Public History

Kazimierz Grążawski
The Historical Education Center of the Foluszek Castle in the Brodnickie Lake District - from festivals to lessons of living history

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Keywords: medieval, Stronghold Foluszek, historical educaction

Before the Historical Education Center the " Foluszek Stronghold " at Pojezierze Brodnickie (from 2002 to today) was established, in 1996 appeared the Knights Brotherhood of Brodnica Castle. Its members participated in various knights' tournaments, mainly in northern Poland, achieving a lot of successes, especially in crossbow tournaments. From the beginning of the Brotherhood's existence, historical and archaeological fests were being organized together with the Museum in Brodnica. Events gathered several hundred knights, craftsmen and artists. A spectacular project turned out to be a horse-drawn carriage ride through castles and cities of the Chełmno region PEREGRINUS. Finally, the last project of the Brotherhood's was the construction of the „Foluszek Stronghold" and educational activities aimed at young people there. The history lessons that take place there give a lot of satisfaction to the organizers and the young participants of the trips and camps have many positive feelings.

About Author:
KAZIMIERZ GRĄŻAWSKI - archaeologist, historian, professor at the Institute of History and International Relations of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. E-mail: kazimierz.grazawski[at] ORCID 0000-0002-1616-4283.

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