ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2016, No. (9), Cultural Heritage
Jagna Jaworowska
History of people, history of things: humanising objects and practicing heritage (The case of the town of Tykocin in the Podlasie region)

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Keywords: materiality, objects, heritage, history of Poland, Tykocin, Tiktin
Abstract: In the following article I discuss the role that materiality plays in mediations of the past in the present via cultural and educational heritage practices. I do so based on my research among three cultural institutions operating in Tykocin, a small town situated in north-eastern Poland. I start by critically examining current theoretical perspectives on heritage and materiality. Next, I show how in Tykocin historical objects influence the process of establishing relationships with the past and take part in shaping narrations about town’s history. I focus especially on historical buildings and urban sites. Last but not least, I study how employees and members of the three cultural institutions try to supervise the agency of the historical objects.
About Author:
JAGNA JAWOROWSKA - social and cultural anthropologist, independent researcher. E-mail: jagna.jaworowska[at]
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