ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2012, No. 2 (3), Readings of the Past
Michał Tomaszek
Hungarians in Sankt Gallen in 926: A Narrative about Barbarians in Ekkehard IV’s Casus Sancti Galli

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Keywords: Ekkehard IV, Sankt Gallen abbey, Hungarian invasions in 10th century, monastic historiography.
Abstract: Monk and historian Ekkehard IV from Sankt Gallen, who wrote in 11th century large and interesting chronicle of this place, described in his text in detail invasion of Hungarians from 926. They had occupied and devastated the abbey. The source of knowledge was for Ekkehard oral tradition of his monastery, maintained by “fathers”. Deeds of intruders are depicted allegedly on the base of the account delivered by Heribald, one simple-hearted monk of Sankt Gallen, who did not escape from the abbey in the time of invasion and who survived. Ekkehard’s tale is quite often considered as fully reliable report, as far as customs and habits of Hungarians from 10th century are concerned. Nevertheless, the whole story fulfills in the structure of the chronicle some important functions, which deserve particular attention. From the point of view of its author it allows to show the values, which are especially important for monastic profession. Thus particularly important remains here the radical opposition between Hungarian “hordes” and community of monks. Lack of discipline, drunkness and ferocity of barbarians are contrasted with exemplary discipline and restraint of the latter. Additionally above mentioned depiction of warriors actions and their behavior seems to be strongly influenced by all that deeply rooted in the early medieval Latin historiography stereotypical images of barbarians invading Europe from east and north (including for example motifs of their diet). The role of Heribald in the tale is characteristic as well. He is a kind of comical hero, who simultaneously successfully plays the role of the peculiar medium between two fully opposite worlds. The laughter is here a weapon, that helps at least on the level of the tale to win over bare physical force of the barbarians.
About Author:
TOMASZEK MICHAŁ - historian, assistant professor at the Department of Medieval History at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.
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