ISSN 2084–1418
The paper edition of the Anthropology of History Yearbook is the definitive version
2012, No. 2 (3), Readings of the Past
Jacek Kowalewski, Paweł Żmudzki
Readings of the Past
PDF version
Keywords: historical source, narrative, historical anthropology, Robert Darnton, Jacek Banaszkiewicz.
Abstract: The article is an introduction to the volume of RAH. The authors concentrate on the issue of language and representation and the controversy that arises from this: what does the historian, the past reality, or narratives about it really examine? The pretext is the dispute over the book by R. Darnton Great cat massacre...
About Author:
JACEK KOWALEWSKI - history methodologist, anthropologist of history, assistant professor at the Institute of History and International Relations at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn; PAWEŁ ŻMUDZKI - historian, medievalist, assistant professor at the Historical Institute of the University of Warsaw.
Chartier R. 2012. "Tekst, symbole i francuskość". Rocznik Antropologii Historii 2 (2).
Banaszkiewicz J. 1986. Podanie o Piaście i Popielu. Studium porównawcze nad wczesnośredniowiecznymi tradycjami dynastycznymi. Warszawa.